
Leading the way in sustainable business.

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility have been a priority at die Keure for many years.
We have made structured sustainability and environment investments throughout our production process for a decade now.

Die Keure has a CO2 equivalent footprint of less than 9g per € of business revenue and less than 0.2g per € of CO2 equivalent energy consumption. We can therefore proudly say that die Keure is a frontrunner in the industry.

Ambition 2030

Of course, our ambitions don’t stop at 9g. Our company intends to reduce the CO2 equivalent footprint of all assets we can control and all the energy those assets require to zero by 2030 without using external offset mechanisms, regardless of whether these assets are machines, buildings or company vehicles.

Die Keure is currently also looking at what future policies we can develop to bring down the indirect CO2 equivalent footprint (of assets we can’t control).

Roadmap and annual audit.
These claims, of course, need to be supported with facts. Every year, die Keure has its CO2 equivalent footprint externally audited by our partner Encon. The results and action plans will be submitted to Science Based Targets (SBTi) for validation.

Die Keure translated the validated action plan into a actionable roadmap towards 2030:

What we accomplished...

Independent from fossil fuel.
Heating with incinerator residual heat.
0 % IPA - alcohol-free printing
Waste streams recycled to the maximum. .
Use of solar and wind energy.
Recovery of residual paper for internal use.
Purchasing sustainable raw materials from suppliers that produce sustainably.

View full sustainability report.